Offering a strong digital experience is vital to the health of a credit card program. Beginning with text-to-apply, to cardholder DIY tools, we offer a variety of enhancements that drive cardmember stickiness.
Cardmembers have access to payment solutions including Card ExtendPay®, the Elan buy now, pay later feature, and Paze℠, a streamlined new checkout option that offers consumers an online transaction alternative that brings added ease and security to the cardmember.
Elan offers advanced web and app access for cardmembers. From statements to text alerts we want to empower cardholders to be in control of their accounts. Spotlight features include real-time rewards, all-digital wallets, and fraud and protection management.
Our dedicated customer service representatives are available 24/7/365. Each call is answered using your financial institution’s name to build trust and loyalty with your customers. Our team can assist with balance inquiries, available credit, payments, credit line increases, authorizations, account information and lost or stolen card requests.
Through the use of proactive prevention tools and recovery processes, the Elan Fraud Detection System overlays the authorization process to alert users of abnormal spending habits. We provide industry-leading fraud detection and low loss rates, so you and your customers can be confident cards are always secure.
Elan's product suite is designed to integrate seamlessly into your financial institution and offer the best products to your consumer and business accounts. Learn more about available cards.
We have a proven model with partners to expand their credit card program and drive short- and long-term financial growth. Learn more about our unique partnership that keeps your financial institution in control.
If you are interested in learning how Elan can help build your credit card program, we'd love to hear from you.
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