This Playbook is intended to provide a practical, action-oriented aid to help communities follow the Guide’s six-step process. It can assist communities seeking insights into resilience planning issues and help identify the most effective resilience-improvement projects. It can be used without expert assistance but also offers ways to engage experts in the planning and implementation processes. Every community should be able to benefit from the Guide’s planning process.
The following list of templates are supporting materials to complete the steps and actions listed in the NIST Community Resilience Planning Guide Playbook. The Playbook and Community Resilience Planning Guide can be accessed at the following links:
Step 1: Form a Collaborative Planning Team
- Template 1-1: Forming a Collaborative Planning Team
- Supports Action 1-1 (Playbook pg.9) and Action 1-2 (Playbook pg.10)
- Supports Actions 1-2 (Playbook pg.10), Action 1-4 (Playbook pg.12); and also Action 5-2 (Playbook pg.46)
Step 2: Understand the Situation
- Template 2-1: Information Needed to Complete Step 2, Action 2-4
- Supports Action 2-4 (Playbook pg.19)
- Supports Action 2-4 (Playbook pg.19)
External Resources
- Plan Integration for Resilience Scorecard Guidebook (PIRS) Table 2.1 - Supports Action 2-1
- About PIRS
- Detailed PIRS Document
Step 3: Determine Goals and Objectives
- Template 3-1: Buildings Performance Goals Table
- Supports Action 3-2 (Playbook pg.26), Action 3-4 (Playbook pg.32)
- Supports Action 3-2 (Playbook pg.26), Action 3-4 (Playbook pg.32)
- Supports Action 3-3 (Playbook p.31)
- Supports Action 3-5 (Playbook pg.35)
External Resources
- Boulder County Collaborative Resilience Design Performance Standard for Infrastructure and Dependent Facilities (2016) - Supports Action 3-2 (Playbook pg.26), Action 3-4 (Playbook pg.32)
- THIRA process Step 1: Identify the Threats and Hazards of Concern & Step 2: Give Threats and Hazards Context (pp. 11-18)
Step 4 - 6: No Templates
Related Federal Disaster Recovery & Mitigation Planning Programs
- FEMA Hazard Mitigation Assistance Grants
- Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (FEMA Local Mitigation Planning Handbook (2013))
- FEMA Building Resilient Communities and Infrastructure (BRIC)
Example Community Resilience Plans
- Boulder County, Colorado: Boulder County Collaborative Resilience Design Performance Standard for Infrastructure and Dependent Facilities (2016)
- Resilient Nashua Website
- City of Nashua Hazard Mitigation Plan Update 2019
- Resilience Dialogues Nashua Synthesis Report