The TLC Driver License is a license for a driver to carry passengers in a medallion taxi, green taxi (street hail livery), livery car, black car, or luxury limousine. License holders must meet the same standards for operating taxis and for-hire vehicles, such as fingerprint-enabled criminal background checks, DMV driving record checks, and drug testing.
The TLC has a single license for taxi and for-hire vehicle drivers, which includes operators of medallion taxis, green taxis (street hail liveries), livery cars, black cars, and luxury limousines. The new license does not include paratransit and commuter van drivers, which still have separate licenses to operate those vehicles. Current TLC licensees with taxi, for-hire vehicle, or combined MED-FHV driver licenses do not need a new license card to operate a different vehicle in the taxi or for-hire vehicle sectors. All current licenses are valid until their listed expiration date.
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